We all know that when it gets stressful at this time of the year, people have a shorter fuse. Add a hangover or work deadlines, social commitments and less sleep... and some might be known to others as 'bauble breakers'. That's our term we have politely come up with!
So... to prevent that and keep your cool, here are our top tips.
P.S there is absolutely no reward/payment etc from any product or company my goal squad recommends. We just share the very best we know and what we love ourselves.
Lock in a regular exercise session with a friend or what we have done this year for December, picked a couple of fun trials off Mind Body App which are 2 week intro passes that means we have to BOOK IN to a session and it’s fun and different so we want to go. Psssst KX Pilates if you are in Australia, is unreal! You feel strong and fit in your body after hitting their classes.
KEEP THAT WATER UP! Minimum 1 litre per day! Add a Berocca if you need to for the extra vitamins at this crazy time.
Get yourself some great tunes, download some playlists so you have the music for all occasions. It’s a fact that if we listen to our favourite music for at least 5 mins it has the power to change your physiology. So if you are feeling flat, tired, or you admittedly had too many Christmas drinks last night at that party… you can get yourself into the vibe of getting the *** done you need to with great tunes.
Music is something so hugely underestimated. We believe it has the same amount of power over your body and mind as food. If you eat something great and healthy, your mind says it’s good and you get the dopamine release of rewarding/positive chemicals + your body feels great. Same with music, good tunes can elevate your mind and your body and therefore your actions and output: you work harder, or more focused, or you put more love into what you are doing as you are in a state of calm or happiness.
Outsource as much as you can. From your weeks grocery delivery (because that will take maybe a good 30 mins to plan your weeks menu and add the extra ingredients for the Christmas Pud you are making Aunty Nancy next Thursday etc but it will pay off in the long run!).
ONLINE GIFTS: If you are pushed for time, think now about what you can get online and emailed to you.
Vouchers for : Open Air Cinema, Gold Class Cinema, Concerts coming to your city next year, Meal Vouchers at great restaurants, A Year Zoo Membership (great for those that have little kids), Vouchers for other people to receive a week or 2 of Hello Fresh or Marley Spoon or one of those meal prep helper kind of companies! Tennis lessons to Surf Camp vouchers or a great site we love which has personalised gifts is: Hard To Find. If you are really stuck for that boss, husband, brother or partner ; add personalisation to an idea you find here.
So sticking to those 3 tips should keep your cool and prevent you from being a bauble breaker this year!
Merry Festive Season and Goal Kicking Wishes to you!
xx Ange